Battlefield 2 back from the dead!

Battlefield 2 was released in 2005 by DICE and EA Games, the third game in the series.

Battlefield for those who are unfamiliar is a first-person shooter military simulator video game. The popular multiplayer version-enabled 64 players to fight on the modern battlefield, using modern weapons and strategy. It was also adopted as a simulator by the military for a short period. The Battlefield 2 community was still highly active with over 40,000 members back in 2014 when E.A. ceased its online support.Shortly after, an online campaign began and after 2 years Battlefield 2 online made a return.

Not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts or DICE, Revive brings Battlefield 2 back from the dead. With ranked servers returning and locations worldwide one of the best video games ever made, (pause) Battlefield 2 is back. Download the Revive launcher, then download the game and enjoy this classic once again.See you on the Battlefield!

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