Video gaming isn’t just about winning, video gaming is about having fun and making friends. GENERAL GAMING was built for gamers by gamers. From PC's, laptops, consoles, and smartphones. GENERAL GAMING is for all gamers. To ensure everyone has fun, GENERAL GAMING has developed the following community rules.


  • Have fun - remember we are all here to have fun
  • Keep your personal information private - never share any of your personal information 
  • Respect yourself and respect others - pleases and thank you’s go a long way, be patient with noobs
  • Be forgiving - harassment or bullying of anyone will not be tolerated.
  • Follow the laws. The laws that exist offline also exist online
  • Game responsibility - everything in moderation
  • General Gaming will remove and report any racist, drug-related, harassment, any sexual or explicit material.
  • If you are under 18 please ensure you have the consent of your parents or legal guardians.


Steps with a * are optional.
  • Complaint:1. 
  • Complaint Against:2. 
  • Your Nickname:3. 
  • Problem/Rule broken:4. 
  • Were there admins online? 
  • If yes which ones? 5. 
  • Screenshot or other evidence*
Hint: The more information you provide, the more we know. If there isn't any evidence and nobody can confirm this problem, we can't undertake any steps.

Send your report to the General Gaming team 

Furthermore, you can consider reporting the incident to the platform the incident occurred on.

If you have been reported you will be notified via the most direct method with the evidence and depending on the severity a ban may also be applied.

We train our team to lead by example and search for only the most tolerant caring and patient of administrators. Many volunteer their time for free to provide many of the services the community enjoys, please treat them with respect and remember please’s and thank you's go along way.

The General Gaming Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms, and Conditions can be found here.


Australian residents should consider contacting ACORN. The Australian Cyber-crime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) is a national policing initiative of the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. It is a national online system that allows the public to securely report instances of cyber-crime. It will also provide advice to help people recognize and avoid common types of cyber-crime.